
What I Do

Web Copy

POW – Power Of Words


Your website needs to speak to your clients biggest pain points and dreams and I can articulate that for you. 

And, I will do it in such a way that you begin to differentiate your brand from your competitors with interesting fun copy that gets clicks.

I go into details in our discovery call as to how I do all this 

  • Researching your competitors

  • Interviewing your product or service experts to discover your differentiators

  • Positioning testimonials or reviews to get results

  • Reviewing taglines, page layouts , CTA’s

I then present you a complete plan of action and time lines for the deliverables before I start anything. I work with your designers or existing team members until you have a website that you are thrilled with.

Multiple Levels of Service Based on Your needs and budget

*Fill out the contact page to have detailed webcopy service options and pricing emailed to you.

Email Copy

Get It Delivered

The money is in the list , you’ve heard that before right? If you don’t have a list, I can help you with that.  You need a freak’n list

Many companies send out emails that never get past the spam filters or they end up in the dreaded “I’ll check this out later” file. I’ll write unique subject lines for you that get opened and engaging copy that moves your email recipient one step closer to being a customer.  And if they are already a customer I will help ensure they continue to spend more money with you.  

I know how often to engage your list and what to say.  And if you’re using funnels I can help with that also. 

My process, similar to web copy is:

  • Interviewing SME’s
  • Look at your past or existing email sequences and rewriting as necessary
  • Creating an email delivery calendar with content outlines and appropriate CTA’s

Last but not least:

I will ensure that your emails are engaging.  That will ensure they get opened now and in the future.  I use a blend of your industry knowledge, interesting side notes and humor where appropriate.  It works great, it’s one of my super powers.

*Contact me for service options and pricing  for emails


Authoritative, Engaging, Shareable and Action Inducing

Ideal for B2B companies with longer sales cycles.
Perfect for smaller brands that want to build up their readership and introduce their product or services to the world.

Excellent for building authority and finding your tribe. 

Helps your company get found in web searches by using SEO compliant tactics.  


Contact Me